Dear International Homeschool Leaders!


Dear International Homeschool Leaders!

ljw2000 1 1,777 2012.10.19 11:58
Dear International Homeschool Leaders,
I am excited to tell you about a special opportunity available for those following the plight of persecuted homeschoolers around the world. You know that HSLDA is involved in supporting the first-ever and historic global home education conference that will take place in Berlin, Germany next week.  We have been working with the global conference organizers to make this content available to you—even if you can't travel to Berlin. For a mere €49, you can have access to the same content that would otherwise cost thousands of dollars in travel expenses. 
Participate live or with our on demand recordings of the historic GHEC 2012! It’s the next best thing to being there. Live webcasts of most sessions will give you access to exclusive content you can’t find anywhere else. Christer Johansson tells his story in the “A Tragedy on Gotland” workshop. Hear from persecuted and exiled homeschoolers and see how you can help! Listen and interact with these advocates of freedom in education including Michael Farris, HSLDA founder and chancellor of Patrick Henry College; Dr. Gordon Neufeld, developmental psychologist and founder of The Neufeld Institute; HSLDA Canada president Paul Faris, Dr. Brian Ray of NHERI; Dr. Charles Glenn, Distinguished Professor of Education at Boston University; Ruby Harold-Claessen, attorney for the Swedish Johansson family; André Stern, a celebrated unschooled graduate; Michael Donnelly, HSLDA’s Director of International Affairs, and more!
Nearly 30 workshops offer exciting and encouraging information for everyone, with topics including Should Home Education Be Considered a Human Right?, Home Education around the World!  And What happened in Sweden? The tragedy on Gotland.  You will not want to miss participating in and having access to this first-ever historic event!  By registering, you will support the conference as well as gain access to participate yourself.
Give yourself a lift this fall and support the cause of freedom by registering now. Participation in the live event is limited although registration for on-demand recordings is unlimited. To secure your place, register today!
Yours very truly,
Michael P. Donnelly, Esq.
Director of International Affairs, HSLDA
Secretary, GHEC 2012 Board


워쉽 2012.10.31 11:59
정확한 통역좀 부탁합니다...^^
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